Degradation of Proteins and Colloids in Daily Life

Simple explanation about "Degradation of Proteins and Colloids in Daily Life". Thankyou for my junior, all of you have tried :)

Protein Degradation is a way to digest what was brought by endocytosis. There are two types of Protein Degradation, Lysosome and Ubiquitin. Lysosome is major digestive organelle for both cytosolic and extracellular molecules. Lysosome also contains many hydrolytic enzymes, like proteases, lipases, glycosidases. Degradation in lysosomes have 5 different mechanisms. Endocytosis, crinophagy, macroautophagy, microautophagy, and direct translocation from cytosol. Ubiquitin is tiny cytosolic protein. Covalently added to proteins destined for degradation and also added post-translationally to lysine residues.
A colloid is a substance in which micro
scopically dispersed insoluble particles are suspended throughout another substance. A common method of classifying colloids is based on the phase of the dispersed substance and what phase it is dispersed in. The types of colloids includes sol, emulsion, foam, and aerosol :
  1. Sol is a colloidal suspension with solid particles in a liquid. 
  2. Emulsion is between two liquids.
  3. Foam is formed when many gas particles are trapped in a liquid or solid. 
  4. Aerosol contains small particles of liquid or solid dispersed in a gas. 

So, Is dust a colloid ? and the answer is yes dust is a colloid. It consists of a solid in a gas, so it is a aerosol.
(Ilham Akbar Farhani, 2014)

Some bodybuilding supplements claim to reduce the protein breakdown by reducing or blocking the number of catabolic hormones within the body. This is believed to increase anabolism. However if protein breakdown falls too low then the body would not be able to remove muscle cells that have been damaged during workouts which would in turn prevent the growth of new muscle cells. When older proteins are broken down in the body, they must be replaced. This concept is called protein turnover, and different types of proteins have very different turnover rates. Protein synthesis occurs during the process of translation on ribosomes.

The enhanced protein degradation associated with diabetes and starvation is fundamentally different from normal protein catabolism. In normal eukaryotic cells large molecular weight proteins tend to be degraded more rapidly than small proteins, acidic proteins tend to be degraded more rapidly than neutral or basic proteins, and glycoproteins tend to be degraded more rapidly than nonglycoproteins. All three of these general correlations are absent or markedly reduced in liver and muscle of diabetic and starved rats. In contrast, the correlations between proteins size and half-life, between protein net charge and half-life, and between protein carbohydrate content and half-life are not affected in brain of diabetic or starved animals. These results suggest that diabetes and starvation alter the general characteristics of intracellular protein degradation in target tissues of insulin. Degradation of serum proteins is also affected in diabetes and starvation. In normal animals a general correlation exists between isoelectric points of serum proteins and their degradative rates. This relationship is abolished in diabetes and starvation, as it is among liver and muscle proteins.

Colloidal system or colloidal dispersion is a heterogeneous system which is made up of Dispersed phase and Dispersion medium. In colloidal dispersion one substance is dispersed as very fine particles in another substance called dispersion medium. In case of dust, solid particles are dispersed in air as dispersion medium.

Diffusive Transport of Organic Colloids from Sediment Beds
            Organic colloids resulting from sediment diagenesis in porewaters are transported across the sediment-water interface via Brownian diffusion. he effects of electrolytes on the sediment-to-water flux of colloids varied depending on the type and concentration of the electrolyte. An ionic strength of 0.5 M reduced the flux of colloids; the effect being greater for KCl than for NaCl at the same ionic strength. The effects of different electrolytes (viz., NaCl, KCl, and     CaCl2) on the porewater colloid concentrations were studied in batch experiments. The effects of sediment diagenesis on the porewater colloids and the sediment total organic carbon (TOC) in a natural environment are illustrated using data from New Bedford Harbor (NBH), Mass.
Example of Colloidal Dispersions
Different Types of Colloidal Dispersion and their examples are summarized in table below.

Type of Colloidal Dispersions
Soap, beer, lemonade
Solid foam
Pumice stone

Liquid Aerosol
Fog, dust
Milk, rubber
Butter, Cheese
Solid Aerosol
Sol or Colloidal Suspension
Paste, ink
Solid sol(solid suspension)
Pearls, gem stones
(Ema Nova Fajariani, 2014)

A.   Degradation of Protein in Daily Life : Fundamental Process in Lysosomal Function and Protein Degradation
The degradation of proteins in cells is vital to survival. Disruption of this process can result in serious disease.Proteins are building blocks and machines of life. Tens of thousands of them are present in each cell, where they perform essential tasks for the organism. Once they have fulfilled their function, they must be degraded to avoid causing damage. One way in which proteins can be processes inside tiny cellular organelles, the lysosomes. The transport of the proteins destined for degradation to these cellular “trash bins” is partly carried out by endosomes, which deliver proteins from the cell surface to the cell interior.

B.   Degradation of Colloid in Daily Life : Blood Clotting

Colloid system (well known as colloid) is a kind of two or more mixtures of the homogence substance. Its size is about 1-100 nm, and it can’t be separated in static condition. Colloid has some characteristics, they are Tyndall effect, Brown moving, absorbtion, coagulation, liofil and liofob colloids, electrophoresis, and dialysis. Colloid can be formed by condensation and dispertion. The example of the application of colloid in daily life is blood clotting. Blood contains of the negative protein colloid. If there’s a small injury, then it  will be able to be treated by “tawas” that contains of Al3+ and Fe3+. They will help to neutralize the particle charges of protein colloid and assist blood clotting.

The Kinds of Colloid :

Dispersed Phase
Disperse Phase
Kinds of Colloid
Solid Aerosol
Solid Sol
Colourful glass
Liquid Aerosol
Liquid insect
Solid emulsion
Milk foam
Solid Foam
Foam rubber
(Intan Kartika C, 2014)


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